Welcome to DIVE Volleyball Club
Where commitment and passion meet hard work and dedication

To support its goal of developing well-rounded volleyball athletes, Dive Volleyball Club depends not only on skilled, experienced coaches, but also applies state-of-the art technology. The Dive Volleyball facility is equipped with cameras throughout that record every practice and every tournament for use in both recruiting and training review and evaluation. Coaches are able to use iPads and a large screen television to review with players and entire teams IN REAL-TIME or after-the-fact games, plays, drills, skills, etc., providing immediate feedback. This is a key contributor to ongoing skill development. Coaches, recruiters, and family members are also able to watch players and teams remotely, eliminating the need for on-site visits and broadening player exposure.



Dive has three tiers of pricing depending on the team and the player, as detailed below. Fees are all-inclusive for the season, so there are no additional or "hidden" fees. Payment plans and fundraising opportunities are also available.

Inclusion Traveling Team
Local Team
Practice Player ($2,000)
Training three days per week for six months X X X
Strength training and conditioning two days per week for six months X X X
Tournament entry fees for all local RMR Power tournaments X X  
Uniforms (excluding spandex, knee pads, and shoes, which we leave to the player for personal preference/comfort) X X  
Entry fees for two out-of-state tournaments & one in-state X    
Entry fees for two to three larger in-state tournaments   X  
All travel expenses for two out-of-state tournaments (airfare, hotel, ground transportation, and food) X    


Dive has three tiers of pricing depending on the team and the player, as detailed below. Fees are all-inclusive for the season, so there are no additional or "hidden" fees. Payment plans and fundraising opportunities are also available.

Inclusion Traveling Team
Local Team
Practice Player ($2,000)
Training three days per week for five months X X X
Strength training and conditioning two days per week for five months X X X
Tournament entry fees for all local RMR Power tournaments X X  
Uniforms (excluding knee pads and shoes, which we leave to the player for personal preference/comfort) X X  
Entry fees for two out-of-state tournaments & one in-state Add'l    
Entry fees for two to three larger in-state tournaments   X  
All travel expenses for two out-of-state tournaments (airfare, hotel, ground transportation, and food) Add'l    

Club Director, Shane Speciale

Shane is a Denver businessman who has a passion for volleyball. He opened Dive Volleyball in 2014 as a home for his long-standing adult leagues and to provide a much-needed venue for indoor hardcourt volleyball in Denver. Soon after opening Dive, he was approached by juniors coaches and players to start a juniors volleyball club. Seeing a need for a juniors club with its own facility in central Denver, he formed Dive Volleyball Club in July 2014, which achieved rapid success in its first year with all of its teams having significantly improved their standings throughout the season, its 18s team finishing in RMR Division 1 and boasting successful finishes in national tournaments, and all graduating 18s with the desire to play volleyball in college having achieved that goal. This success has continued in each subsequent year. Shane's primary motivation is to share his passion for the game and to allow anyone who wants to play volleyball the opportunity to do so. He has also served on the board of local volleyball organizations, serves as the Tournament Director for multiple adult and juniors volleyball tournaments and for the annual charity AIDS Walk Volleyball Tournament, and regularly competes himself in local and national tournaments.
Copyright (c) 2025 Dive Volleyball, LLC. All rights reserved.